I wish the success of our New Year’s Resolutions were based on how much we really wanted it. Because I can’t count the number of times I REALLY WANTED to lose the weight and embrace the healthy lifestyle my body craved.

I would spend November and December in ignorant bliss, over-indulging at every holiday party with family, friends, and coworkers because I knew that January would be my time for change. I would promise myself (with the best intentions and plans) that my desperation to lose weight and feel good would soon come to an end.

Until one year, my brain started wandering November 1st and I couldn’t silent it. I had dreams of a different lifestyle and I wanted more. So after a month of researching and planning, I finally started my New Year resolution the first day of December.
What a lunatic, right? Pledging to exercise and eat healthy in the midst of sugar season. I knew hot cocoa and pecan pie was looming around the corner, but I leaped into this journey anyways. And it was the best decision I ever made. Turns out, the answer lied in equipping myself with the right tools and creating small, compounding habits — I was able to do both with the help of KRM.
By the time everyone else was joining a gym and throwing out the last of the holiday goodies, I had already lost almost 10lbs and was barreling towards my health goals. I was so inspired and my heart was on fire. I enjoyed sweet treats without falling down the rabbit hole. I celebrated without guilt and shame, without losing control. And it was all possible because of the habits I began to create the month before.
In the past, my motivation disappeared by February and reaching towards my resolutions was a daily battle with myself. This time around, I was already 3 months into my journey and not giving my new healthy lifestyle a second thought. I gave up my all-or-nothing mindset and learned the power of a habit.
Habits can change your life. Small steps still move you forward, and when you look back, you are MILES from where you started.
You can change your life.
You don’t have to wait for the new year.